Monday, 31 August 2015

How to find your perfect customer who will become a raving fan and a repeat buyer of your products and serices


How would you like to identify your perfect customer, one that will buy your products and services repeatedly and refer others.

This message is going to be a bit longer than usual but I am going to show you, how to find your perfect customer.

So in the last few weeks, I have been thinking while walking here in the Swiss Alps and swimming in the lake about my perfect customer whom we shall call John.

Please remember that John is a complete fictional creation of my mind.

So who is John?

John is 49 years old and lives with his wife Sue and their 3 children in the Western Suburbs of Chicago.

John loves his family and adores his kids but his main regrets are that he does not get enough quality time with his family and he also cannot provide the life he believes that they deserve.

John works for a large financial company in Chicago and commutes to work via train every day. John hates his job from which he currently earns $ 48,000 per year.

John's greatest desire is to have enough money to quit his job and spend more quality time with his family.

John usually wears short sleeves shirts and khaki pants with brown leather shoes. He always has had good eyesight but lately because of late hours on the computer he started wearing glasses. John does not exercise regularly and is 30 pounds overweight.

In short John is a bit miserable.

John has been dabbling on the internet for about 4 months, jumping from opportunity to opportunity spending a lot of time and money on the latest ideas.

John has been involved with MLM companies, affiliate marketing and have applied all the latest techniques to get "more traffic" to his business.

Things like buying solo ads, facebook ads etc. all to no avail.

John is now desperate and needs a breakthrough in his business.

Not only is John spending all his free time on the internet, he has also put himself in debt by "qualifying" into the next level of the latest Biz opp. he believes is the holy grail.

He cannot understand this, "If all these homeless people working with borrowed laptops can make it, why can't he?

I think John is a bit gullible and lately it has occurred to him that not everything he has heard about online success might be true.

His wife , the ultimate skeptic, has repeatedly told John that he is wasting his time and life away and should rather ask his boss for a raise. John's brother in-law is even worse, calling him an idiot.

John's family and friend think that John is trying to do this "internet thing" because he want's to be a rich playboy with a Ferrari and a mansion.

John's wife even mentioned the word "mid-life crisis" as John is fast approaching 50.

Even though John would like all the "things" money could buy he knows the truth.

What John will not admit is that his biggest fear is to lose and to be embarrassed.

John wants a lifestyle of freedom and wants to provide the best for his family.

John also wants to be significant and contribute to society.

Most of all he wants respect and credibility
. [ He REALLY wants to show his borther in-law ] and

John want's to feel young again.

So, this is my customer John ( remember he is fictional )
Now, why on earth did I describe John in such detail? ( By the way do you think the description is accurate? )

The reason why I did this, is because if I can identify with John and I can really understand what John needs, I can now build a relationship far beyond anything superficial with John and I can help John become who he wants to be. I can now add value to John's life.

By understanding John's real desires I can now make sure that everything I create, every email I send etc. speaks to John directly as a friend.

Now remember John is fictional and half the John's out there are Joan's but this is a tool for myself to keep my message right on target to my market.

Statistics show us that almost 80% of people make zero money online. With more than 16 Million online marketers in the US this means that there are millions and millions of people, "just like John" out there.


I wrote this letter to my friend, John

Maybe you can relate

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