Friday, 28 August 2015

How the "Fly Trap" Funnel can put cash in your business today

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 Put immediate cash in your business with the "Fly Trap" Funnel.

Here is something that you can use to get some immediate cash into your business.

It's called the "Fly Trap" funnel. Let me explain.

The path most marketers take is this:

– Find a product to sell [ e.g. something on Clickbank ]

– Create a lead magnet [ Like a free ebook or report ]

– Create a squeeze page

– Send traffic to the squeeze page

– Send follow up messages about the product to the leads.


but here's the problem: – New marketers are finding it hard to make a positive return on their traffic.

So they spend a bit of money on traffic and if they don't get back at least what they spend, soon they are out of money and "stuck" on what to do.

There is a solution – I call it the "Fly trap" [ love fishing ] .

The fly trap is a very inexpensive product that you can "insert" into your funnel. We usually use a $7.00 fly trap but it can be as low as $1.00. The reason we want to do this is as quickly as possible "create a customer" – Why?

a.) A customer is infinitely more likely to buy something else from you than a lead.

b.)|They are very cheap to market to – they are already on your list or in your system.

and the second reason we do this, is we immediately start to get some cash back.

To give you an idea. In a sports business we have a $25 K per person up-sell for a tour with the team. More than 96% of these buyers were repeat buyers and more than 80% of them started of buy buying a $1.00 fan sticker.

So here is how we would insert a "fly trap" into your funnel.

Lead goes to squeeze page and signs up for free book.

We don't send them to the book download page immediately;
What we do instead is send them to a "custom" thank you page.

On this page we say – " Thank you for subscribing for "My XXXX), your book will be delivered via email within 15 mins ( Actually we have already sent them the book via auto-responder but we want to keep them on the page to make them an offer ).

So now we immediately proceed to offer them the "Fly Trap"

The next thing that happens is that they open their email to get the "XXXX-ebook" and in the email we say thank you and give them the link to get the book they subscriber for and then we use something we call the "Power Signature" – We say, almost as an after thought – By the way, have you seen… And we offer them the "Fly Trap " again.

Also on the same day we send them another email saying thank you for downloading "JXXXX Book" we hope you enjoyed it, as a BONUS for becoming our subscriber we have attached this video ( The sales letter for XXXX Product ), enjoy it and be sure to apply the concepts mentioned in your business it will really ad value

( And now you "sneak in" a strategic call to action.) by saying.. it was really a pleasure adding value to your business today and I am sure you will do the same for others. Please be so kind to leave a comment here on my Facebook page about XYZ.

See the difference?

In the traditional funnel you made one offer on day one for XXX

In the Fly Trap funnel you have made 3 offers; Once for XXX and twice for the Fly Trap. and you added a strategic call to action for the prospect to go to your Facebook page.

AND you have not given away any goodwill because all you did was send the person the thing he subscribed for to get on your list.

Do you think you will have a better chance of making a sale?

As marketers we know that the more offers we make, the more sales we will make. So over time we will have 3 times the conversion than we would have had with the traditional funnel.

AND this is only on day 1..

Now can you imagine what would happen if you start off by strategically designing your "Fly trap" to speak to the "core desire" of your lead and then add this whole process to the "Traffic Wheel" we have on the image?

Want to see more?

Where we will be discussing this in detail

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