Thursday, 6 August 2015

How to avoid the reasons why most Internet Marketers Struggle and Ultimately Fail..

I finally realized why most Internet Marketers Struggle and Ultimately Fail..

The mistake most make and I also made is that we do not approach the Internet as a business, we approach it as an Opportunity.

When I thought about this the first time it hit me like a ton of bricks. I completely forgot everything I learned as an Entrepreneur and immediately became an opportunistic fortune seeker, buying everything that looks like it would make money and getting no results.

The cause of this was a thinking error called OPPORTUNISTIC THINKING which creates a huge business problem called LACK OF STRATEGY…

I am ashamed to admit that up to this point I have had NO STRATEGY in my Online Business.


Opportunity seekers think opportunity and Entrepreneurs think Strategy
Here is what I used to do online..
a) Always looking for the next BIG Opportunity – Hot Product;
b) Question I used to ask myself – How can I make money now?
c) Bought lots of products – used very few, tried to sell them unsuccessfully;
d) Spend Thousands and Thousands on Advertising with no clear plan or measuring the necessary metrics
e) In short: - Lot's of tactics ( Massive Action - I believed ) but ZERO STRATEGY..

An Entrepreneur has a Vision.

In my Offline Traditional Business I had a Vision of building an International Finance and Trading Operation with offices in the USA, Europe, Africa and Asia



A true Entrepreneur has a Vision of what a business should become, analyzing his own strengths and weaknesses and the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
As an Entrepreneur you instinctively know that the best opportunity is building your own business with the right strategies not in hot new products or fads from others…

The major problem with most online marketers is that we are digital opportunity seekers with


We set arbitrary income goals that make us feel good, inspires us to more ineffective massive action instead of creating a strategic vision and a plan to achieve that vision.

This all leads to very poor business design.
My Business was designed so Poorly, I had to do all the Work!

If you are working at this business all day and all night, doing everything, your Internet Lifestyle Dream, very soon becomes an Internet Lifestyle Nightmare.

Clearly, in my own Online Business it meant time for a CHANGE.
I had to stop searching for the next "Holy Grail" to add to my already extensive list of activities;


One of the most important questions to ask is:
Do you have a strategy?

Did you know that almost everybody's strategy is to do what everybody else is doing and just trying to do it better or more of it? We even copy other people's emails to send to our list somehow thinking that this is the secret.

I don't know what magic spell the Internet put me under, as a business person and traditional entrepreneur, I should have known better but thankfully I realized this and was yanked back to reality.

To copy everybody else is not a strategy at all!

Fortunately for us this can be changed and changed quickly and my experience as an entrepreneur will help a lot in creating these changes in my business and anyone can make these changes quickly.

WORK LESS AND MAKE MORE – The Power of Focus..

Here are a few ideas that immediately became part of my strategy
- Stick to One Niche
- Have a Full Funnel of Products incorporating cross sells, up-sells and back-ends;
- By Focusing, everything you do become more valuable;
- Your leverage grows;

I realized that to make big money online I need scalability and leverage


And it all starts with a Vision:

Have you taken the time to write a Vision statement for your online business?

Without a Vision you are a rudderless leader as your strategic plan has to flow from your vision. Only after you created a compelling vision will you be able to devise a workable strategy.

Here is my Vision: { Take the time to think about and write out yours, it is the single thing that will change your business the most. }

"Creating an Online Empire in which I can do business all over the world from one central location while improving the lives of online marketers by helping them creating their own successful online businesses.
To have the ability to work where I want, when I want, with whom I want, whilst contributing to society as a whole.
Affiliate Power

P.S. If you have any questions about this or anything else, message me on Facebook the link is above.. [ Link to the original article on my blog ]

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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1 comment:

  1. I made $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying me for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So large companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars every month to the average person. In return, the average person, like myself, fills out surveys and gives them their opinion.
