Saturday, 29 August 2015

GIFT - [ FREE Blueprint ] How to get money this weekend with a "Shock & Awe" - Power Campaign

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Hi Friends

Thanks for all the comments. I have taken the "Fly Trap Funnel" scenario a bit further and set out the first campaign I propose. [ would love to hear comments and input ]

You can start running this campaign now and get cash this weekend

Aiffiliate Power – "Shock & Awe" - Power Campaign.

The purpose of this campaign is to create a "WOW" in our prospect and the optimum chance of converting that prospect into a customer.

DAY 1: 

Current Leads:
- How to get traffic that pays you – "Fly Trap" Offer

New leads:
- Email download link for Free e-book, Offer Fly Trap
- Thank you subscriber email, Your Main Offer XXX

DAY 2:

- Letter 2 John Free PDF , [ You offer them free email training ], The reason for this is that you want to get them so sign up for another list on which you can them proceed to send them more content and make more offers. Use your Power Signature to ask them to Join you on Facebook, this is the start of your wheel of Traffic 


- Letter2John Free PDF Teaser Post [This is a long post, providing immediate content to your Facebook readers and then inviting them to get the Letter2John PDF. In the post make sure that you say – NO Opt In required and you send them directly to the download link. 

The reason for this is that you want to start providing value to your Social Media followers without asking them to do anything in return. The letter2John Free PDF is a Lead Magnet in its own right and will convert the prospect into a lead inside the PDF.

DAY 3: 

- How to build a Facebook Page with 60,000 Fans without spending a dime on advertising – FREE PDF Blueprint, Use your Power Signature to make the "Fly Trap Offer again"

SOCIAL MEDIA: - How to build a Facebook Page with 60,000 Fans without spending a dime on advertising teaser post with the same aim as the post in DAY 2.

DAY 4:

EMAIL – How to Build a "Power List Free PDF, this time you offer Your Main Offer XXX , inside the PDF and you use your Power Signature to repeat the Fly, Trap Offer.
SOCIAL MEDIA– How to Build a "Power List Free PDF, again same procedure as day 2.

What is the result of all of this?

Firstly we have created a lot of goodwill by providing a tremendous amount of FREE valuable content the "Shock and Awe" – way in excess of what the lead expected when joining our list.

Now at this point we will have:

 – some of our prospects will either buy the "Fly trap" or Your Main Offer XXX L and as soon as a lead becomes a customer by purchasing the customer is now removed them from this sequence and will be added to a "Power Up-sell Funnel" which we will provide to you.

Non Buyers
– Sadly, despite numerous points of offer interactions most people will still say no. We will then proceed to engage them into a "Flash Trap Funnel" where we will introduce an even lower price point and scarcity. 

 - You can engage by this funnel by just sending your current subscribers into the funnel or if you really want to get a super start you can use paid traffic.

 [Note: This funnel is optimized to convert so if you purchase traffic you want to buy high quality more expensive traffic, I will stay away from any form of cheap traffic. – My personal choice would be PPC traffic via Facebook, Google or Bing. ]

Ok, if this sounds interesting there are two ways for you to proceed.

1. You can copy the funnel and use your own lead magnets and Fly Trap; - I will be happy if you do this because then I know that at least I have provided you with some value.

2. You can work with me and my team will provide you with everything you need. The source files for the lead magnets, email swipes, the social posts and the email training sequence lessons.

Now, you are going to ask 

What will this cost?

We'll the magnificent price for this is a very round ZERO. There is no cost to you.

However you will need to become an affiliate of ours, which if I might add will only provide you with benefits as it is totally free to become our affiliate.


 Here is our affiliate page: -

Affiliate Power
Connect on Facebook:

Peter Marais, 566 W Adams Suite 210, Chicago, Illinois 60661, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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